Saturday 28 April 2012

Grilled Salmon and Greens

It is important to include fish into your diet to get your dose omega 3 fatty acids. Eating fish once or twice a week will improve brain function, help with depression and prevent cardiovascular disease. It is a great source of protein and super easy to cook.

Although fish is an amazing source of nutrition a word of warning about the mercury content. It is wise to avoid fish that is high in mercury this includes large fish such as tuna, swordfish and shark. To avoid mercury poisoning rotate your fish and do not over do it. Excess mercury in the system has be linked to nervous system disorders and increase in heart attacks.

Including dark leafy greens into the diet is essential to good health and wellbeing. They are high in magnesium, calcium, Iron and are a potent source of antioxidant. Eating greens will help you prevent against almost every disease!  

Here is my grilled salmon and asian green recipe. It's easy and perfect for a quick meal. ENJOY!


1 bunch Gai choy
1 bunch Puk choy
Fresh rosemary
1/2 onion
Sesame oil
1 lime
1 spicy chilli
Handful Sesame seeds

Place salmon on a grill try with olive oil, crushed garlic, fresh rosemary, grated ginger and 1/2 squeezed lime.
This will take around 10 - 15 mins to cook.
Start boiling a pot of water.
Once the salmon is almost ready place the green in a steamer (you can also pan fry them if you dont have a steamer).
Place sesame oil, chilli, garlic, grated ginger, olive oil, 1/2 chopped onion with the greens.
Place over the steamer and steam only for a few minutes till the leaves have started wilt and the steams are crunchy.
Put greens on the plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds then place fish on top. 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Beet Cake

I stumbled upon this video recently and thought it was amazing! You can check out their website here

Monday 23 April 2012

Stuffed Capsicum Recipe


1/2 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1/4 cabbage
1/2 eggplant
2 tomatoes
1 grated carrot
1 cup of quinoa 
Fresh basil
2 Capsicums with sliced tops and seeds removed


Preheat the oven 180 degrees
Boil quinoa for 10 mins and set aside
Chop veggies finely
Lightly pan fry the vegetables for about 10 mins 
Add in cooked quinoa and stir through the mixture
Spoon the mixture into the capsicums
Put into an oven proof tray with the lid on tight
Bake for about 50 mins

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Coconut Macaroons

2 egg whites
2 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
Pinch of salt
1/4 cup of honey

Whisk together egg whites in a medium bowl
Add in honey
Whisk in the salt and add in shredded coconut
Place in the fridge for 1/2 an hour
Use a spoon to create walnut sized balls with a flat bottom

Place on to baking paper/ aluminium foil and bake for 10-12 mins at 180 degrees, until golden

Silver beet and Dutch Carrot Salad

Leafy green vegetables support the health of our bodies in a number of ways.  Dark leafy green vegetables, like spinach, kale and collard greens, are high in calcium, magnesium and B vitamins. The B vitamin group is responsible for the health of our nervous system.It's no surprise that they contain a number of nutrients that are clinically proven to boost our moods and improve vitality.  When a deficiency is present, we may suffer from feelings of depression, irritability and mental fatigue.  The calcium present in leafy greens sends a signal to your brain to release happy neurotransmitters; and with just as much absorbable calcium as dairy, you're guaranteed to feel the good vibes pulsing within.  Magnesium, found abundantly in dark leafy greens, helps to produce and support seratonin in the brain; thus improving our mood. 

Make sure to eat a serving of dark leafy vegetables everyday.

1 bunch of dutch carrots
1/2 bunch of silver beet
2 beetroots
1/2 purple cabbage
salt, pepper and olive oil to taste 

Cut carrots into halves and roast in the oven with garlic, salt, pepper and chilli. This should take between 45 mins and 1 hour.
Peel beetroot and grate in raw.
Grate purple cabbage.
Cut silver beet to small pieces and add in raw.
After the carrots have cooked let cool and add into salad.

Yum this salad is amazing and perfect for passover!

Passover Recipes

Eggy Beef Stir Fry

1 bunch of broccoli
Handful of snow peas
1/2 onion
1 clove of garlic
1 green capsicum
250 grams of beef mince 
1 Egg
Handful of mushrooms
2 chillies 

Heat wok and add onions and garlic
Add beef, cook until there is no red meat showing
Add in greens and cook until tender (do not overcook greens to avoid nutrient loss)
Add in egg at the end and keep stirring till it has covered the ingredients
And there you have it; a simple stir fry

Apple and pear compote

8 apples peeled cored and cubed
2 pears peeled cored and cubed
2 cups of water
1/2 vanilla bean
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
1/2 cup of honey
1/2 lemon

In a large saucepan, combine water, honey, vanilla bean, seeds, cinnamon and nutmeg. Bring to the boil. 
Boil gently until the honey is dissolved and the mixture thickens slightly, usually about 5 minutes. 
Add the apples and return to the boil. Lower the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the apples are very tender and the mixture thickens, usually about 20 minutes.
Remove from the heat and discard the cinnamon  stick. Let cool to room temperature before serving. 

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Roasted Purple Carrot

Purple carrots are a beautiful carrot, I love them so much. The purple pigment is anthocyanins the same as blueberries, grapes and eggplant skin which is high antioxidants that help protect against heart disease and high blood pressure. They may also assist in free redical damage which has been linked to cancer, heart disease and eye disorders. Although they can be hard to come by you can find then from any good fruit and veg store or health food store.

About 6 carrots
Olive oil
handful sesame seeds
1 big chilli
1 clove crushed garlic
Fresh basil

Place them in baking tray 
Put all ingredients into tray and toss
Cook for about an hour at 180 degrees or when tender
Sprinkle sesame seeds to serve