Wednesday 26 June 2013

Wild Breakfast

This breakfast is a fantastic way to use wild rice. It is nutritious and will keep you full throughout the day. How great is having breakfast that is this colour? What a fabulous way to get your day started especially on a cold rainy day.

1/4 cup wild rice
1/2 cup brown rice
Pomegranate seeds
Fresh coconut cream
Raw honey
1 vinilla pod (or vanilla essence)

1. Soak brown rice overnight in a medium bowl.
2.In a medium pot add rice,cinnamon, coconut cream, honey and vinilla. Leave on a medium heat so not to damage delicate nutrients.
3. Stir occasionally so not to burn, cook for 15 minutes or till rice has cooked.
4. Pour into a bowl adding pomegranate seeds and cinnamon on top. You can add yogurt for a complete meal.

Monday 3 June 2013

Grain Free Pancakes

This is really about getting back to what we are designed to eat.  Grains are not a part of the natural diet of our ancestors, our bodies find it very hard to digest and cause inflammation in the body especially gluten containing grains. If you do choose to eat grains eat in moderation and prepare properly. Sprouted, soaked  and fermented grains and legumes are best digested and will reduce weight, gas and bloating. Rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth and buckwheat are all gluten free grains that can be eaten without much disturbance to the digestive system although don't over do it. These pancakes have no grains and use coconut flour instead. They are great for breakfast as they will not spike your blood sugar levels and are perfect for a little snack.

4 large eggs
1 tsp honey 
1/2 tsp of baking soda
2 tsp whole milk
1/2 cup of coconut flour
Coconut oil for frying ( can also use ghee)
Handful of berries
Yogurt for toppings

For the berries
1. In a small frying pan on a medium heat add 1 tsp of coconut oil.
2. Add berries and cinnamon and cook for about 4 mins or till soft and the berries have made a sauce.Set aside and use pour of the pancakes.

For the pancakes
1. Beat eggs, honey and milk in a bowl till well mixed. Add coconut flour, baking soda and cinnamon slowly, mixing well. It should still be liquid enough to pour of the spoon.
2. In a large pan on a medium to medium/low heat put enough coconut oil to cover the pan. 
3. Pour a heaped spoon of the batter into the pan making sure it is not to thick, the coconut flour is harder to cook when too thick.
4. Gently fry the pancakes till golden brown then flip over. It should only take a few minutes on each side. Continue adding the batter till the mixture is finished adding coconut oil as you  need it.
4. Serve with berries, yogurt and a drizzle of honey. You can aslo add other fruit if you like.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Baked Pears

Pears are very high in antioxidants and have an anti-inflamatory effect on the body .Like most fruit and vegetables it is important to keep the skins on. The skins of pears contain four times the amount of phenolic phytonutrients as the flesh inside. The skins also contain a higher amount of fiber. Keeping the skins on also add a serious amount of flavour and keep the pears moist especially when baking. Pears contain high amount of flavanoids groups that are associated with decreased risk of type 2 diabetes. 

4 medium pears ( depending on how many people your are serving)
1 tsp of cinnamon
2 tsp of melted cultured butter ( can also use coconut oil)
Drizzle of honey

1. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees.
2. Cut pears in half and cut out any seeds, leaving the stems on.
3. In a oven tray place the pears evenly and sprinkle the ingredients over the top. 
4. Cook till golden brown. Serve with yogurt with another sprinkle of cinnamon and honey.